Umbrella Tree Bonsai Care Guide
The Umbrella Tree is a tender evergreen tree grown as a houseplant in temperate climates. Light-grey trunk with a tedndency to produce aerial roots. Shiny bright-green leaves on long stalks. This is a great bonsai tree to start off for beginners, likewise for most indoor-suitable bonsai species.
Position - Bright light. Warm location, minimum temperature 16°C (60°F).
Watering - Twice weekly throughout summer, every two weeks in winter.
Feeding - Monthly throughout summer. Every two weeks in winter.
Repotting - Every second year in spring. Use free-draining soil mix.
Pruning - Prune top shoots back hard in order to encourage branching.
Propagation - Cuttings.
Styles - Informal upright, clasped-to-rock, twin-trunk, clump, multiple-trunk, group, saikei (planted landscape). Suitable for small to medium sizes.