Trident Maple Bonsai Tree Care Guide
The Trident Maple is a deciduous tree, a classic bonsai subject. Leaves turn orange-red colour in autumn.
Pictured above is one of our Trident Maples taken earlier in June 2024.
Trident Maple Simple Care Guide
Position - Full sun. Slight shade in summer and blistering hot days as trident maple leaves can easily burn. Protect from severe frost.
Watering - Daily throughout growing season. Keep relatively dry in winter.
Feeding - Weekly for the first month after leaves appear, then every two weeks until late summer.
Repotting - Every second year in early spring until tree is about 10 years old, then as necessary. Use free-draining soil mix.
Pruning - Trim new growth in spring, and leaf cut in midsummer.
Propagation - Seed, cuttings, air layering.
Styles - Suitable for all styles except literati, and for all sizes.