Serissa Bonsai Tree Care Guide

Serissa Bonsai Tree Care Guide

Serissa is an evergreen shrub is a native of Japan and China. Their beautiful star-like flowers give rise to the common name. The smooth green leaves are small, and the white flowers appear in Summer.

There are single and double white-flowered forms, a pink-flowering and variegated-leaved form. As a sub-tropical plant, this is suitable for cultivation as Bonsai in temperate climates. 

Above is one of our Japanese Kyoto Serissa, with beautiful small pinkish white flowers.


Suitable for all styles except formal upright. Can be grown at extra-small (Mame/Sohin size) to medium sizes. 


Position - This species tolerates hot conditions and should be given a sunny location. In Winter, maintain a minimum temperature of 12 degrees celsius (54 degrees fahrenheit) and protect from draughts of cold air. 

Watering - Dailt during the growing season. Mist spray foliage daily, except when the tree is in flower, as dampness discolours the petals. Maintain a high humidity level. Keep soil relatively dry during Winter months when daylight hours are short. 

Feeding - Every two weeks through the growing season, monthly in Winter. 

Repotting - Every second year in early Spring. Basic soil mix is fine. 

Pruning - Trim new shoots back to one or two pairs of leaves after repotting. 

Propagation - Softwood cuttings root easily in Spring and Summer.

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