Juniper Bonsai Tree Care guide
In Australia, there are 3 types of Juniper species most commonly cultivated as Bonsai. These consist of:
- Juniperus Squamata "Prostrata"
- Juniper Procumbens
- Sargents Juniper (Also known as Shimpaku Juniper)
Other species that are also commonly cultivated as Bonsai in Australia include:
- Juniperus Sabina (Savin Juniper)
- Juniperus Pingii "Prostrata"
- Juniperus Chinsensis (Chinese Juniper)
- Juniperus Conferta (Also known as Shore Juniper)
- Juniperus Horizontalis (Creeping Juniper)
- Juniperus Communis (Common Juniper)
Junipers are suitable for various styles of Bonsai - informal upright, formal upright cascade, semi-cascade, forest, literati, slanting and many more.
Position - Some shade is required from hot Summer sun, otherwise place in full light. Shelter from hard frosts which discolour foliage to a bronze colour until renewed in Spring.
Watering - Daily throughout the growing season, and mist-spray foliage in Summer. Keep soil moist in Winter as freezing wind can dry out the foliage.
Feeding - Every two weeks from the beginning of the growing season until mid Autumn you can use liquid fertiliser and/or a natural plant tonic. Both Seasol and Powerfeed is a common fertiliser/tonic pairing. Powerfeed is an organic liquid fertiliser and Seasol is a natural Seaweed plant tonic.
Repotting - Every second year for young specimens. Trees aged over 10 years can be repotted up to every five years, according to root development. With care, trees can be repotted at any time of year but early Spring is preferable. Use free-draining soil mix.
Pruning - Finger-prune tips of new growth as they extend throughout the growing season. Do not prune too hard, or juvenile needle-like growth will be encouraged. Wiring can be done at any time.
Propgation - From softwood cuttings at any time.