Japanese Flowering Apricot Bonsai Tree Care Guide
Japanese flowering apricot, also known by its scientific name Prunus mume, is a classic bonsai subject. Distinctive with angular growth pattern, single or double flowers in whites, pinks, and reds (sometimes on the same tree) in winter. Many cultivars available from Japan, where it is also called plum blossom or flowering plum. White flower is visually similar to the Japanese sakura cherry blossom, as both are under the same prunus family.
Position - Full sun. Protect from frost to avoid twig die-back and damage to flowers.
Watering - Daily throughout growing season. Be particularly careful to keep moist when in flower. Sparingly in winter.
Feeding - At least every two weeks in summer.
Repotting - Annually in late winter before flowering. Use basic soil mix.
Pruning - Trim back hard after flowering. Allow rampant growth in summer and trim back again in autumn.
Propagation - Grafting, cuttings, airlayering.
Styles - Suitable for all styles except formal upright and broom, and for all sizes.