Japanese Black Pine Bonsai Tree Care Guide
The Japanese black pine is a world-renowned classic bonsai subject. Japanese black pine bonsai trees consist of long, thick, stiff dark-green needles carried in pairs, brown young shoots, craggy bark.
Position - Full sun. Protect from frost and cold winds.
Watering - Check daily, but water only when soil is drying out. Plentifully if water is quick-draining. Very sparingly in winter.
Feeding - Every two to five years in early to mid spring. Use free-draining soil mix.
Liquid fertiliser is optional, every 2-3 weeks.
Pruning - Pinch back candles as needles begin to appear. Remove long shoots throughout growing season. Remove old needles and overcrowded twigs in late summer.
Propagation - Seed.
Styles - Suitable for all styles except broom. Applies for all sizes.