Gardenia Bonsai Tree Care Guide
Gardenia can make beautiful bonsai trees with its shiny dark green leaves and scented white flowers.
Gardenia Bonsai Tree Care Guide
Position - Avoid full sun, but give maximum light, with slight shade in summer. Minimum temperature 13°C (55°F)
Watering - Daily throughout summer, more sparingly in winter, with lime-free water.
Feeding - Every two weeks throughout summer, monthly for the rest of the year. With ericaceous feed.
Repotting - Every second year in late spring. Use lime-free soil mix
Pruning - Trim new growth after flowering and again as required to maintain shape.
Propagation - Cuttings, layering, air layering.
Styles - Informal upright, slanting, semicascade, cascade, root-over-rock, twin-trunk, clump, multiple-trunk. All sizes.