Chinese Elm Bonsai Tree Care Guide

Chinese Elm Bonsai Tree Care Guide

Chinese elm is a deciduous tree, Small, serraed, bright-green leaves which last into winter, long flexible roots. The best elm for bonsai cultivation. 

Position - Full light and sun, Protect roots rom frost in winter. 

Watering - Daily throughout growing season, more frequently if necessary in very hot weather. More sparingly in winter, but keep moist at all times. 

Feeding - Weekly for first month after leaf buds open, then every two weeks until the late summer. 

Repotting - Annually in early spring until about 10 years old, then as necessary. Use free-draining soil mix. 

Pruning - Trim back new shoots in spring. 

Propagation - Cuttings, root cuttings. 

Styles - Suitable for all styles and sizes

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